Rasa Lila is a luxury lifestyle brand that creates ultimateluxuryproducts, using the world’s finest natural materials. Therefore Rasa Lila transfers a genuine heritage of skills into modern fashion statements for style conscious consumers. Rasa Lila’s comfortable fashion accessories are perfectly designed to accompany you on your journey through life. The products make you feel stylish and proudly feminine and allow you to express your joyful life. This is the Rasa Lila feeling: comfortable and elegant, conscious and sensuous.
The launch collection Rasa Lila
For this launching collection the inspiration was found on the South American Altiplano with its mesmerizing landscape and pure natural smells and colors. The challenge to transform this atmosphere, which for centuries was captured in authentic ponchos, into elegant modern lifestyle products, resulted in a unique collection of luxury scarfs, shawls, wraps and capes. All made of the finest high-grade royal or baby alpaca. The collection offers a combination of refined fabrications with the notion of luxurious new age traveling. All completed with a focus on unique craftsmanship
Alpaca is considered by the fashion world as one of the most natural, sustainable, exclusive and luxurious fibers. Softer than cashmere, warmer and stronger than lambswool. High-grade alpaca, such as royal and baby alpaca has an extreme low prickle factor. So it does not itch and most people can comfortably wear pure alpaca like a second skin. Alpaca contains no lanolin, which means it is hypo-allergenic. Alpaca has a unique breathability and works as a natural insulator because of it’s microscopic air-pockets. This allows it to trap body heat on cold days and likewise, make it breathe on warmer days. This means you can wear alpaca all year round.
Style Conscious
The products of Rasa Lila are fair and sustainable. We give back to the natural habitat and craft communities within which we make our quality goods. Making you style conscious when you wear it.
What means Rasa Lila
Rasa Lila is the combination of two ancient words that translate into the emotion one feels of love, joy and happiness in an act of expression such as dance or living the good life. Rasa Lila, the brand, literally stands for ‘feeling the joy of life’.
The birth of Rasa Lila
A mesmerizing encounter with an indigenous Peruvian woman, who was hand-weaving a traditional alpaca shawl, sparked the idea of creating ultimate luxury lifestyle products, made of the finest natural materials and to make this available for the rest of the world. This was in 2017 the inspiration for Corné van Nijhuis to create a new brand and to start Rasa Lila. Corné van Nijhuis founder and owner of the brand: “I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved with this launching collection together also with local professionals, their expertise helped us creating and develop a luxurious lifestyle brand. Together we share the passion for fabrics, weaving techniques and color combinations. Our strength is that we transform possibilities into highly valued results for our customers.”
The company
Rasa Lila is an Amsterdam based, Dutch company, founded in 2017. The business concept is to make worldwide treasures of authentic craftsmanship available for the rest of the world. This is realized by working with the best professionals in their field: designers, producers, service providers, retailers and e-tailers. Together creating the Rasa Lila feeling for our customers.
Where to find Rasa Lila
As real luxury is appreciated throughout the world, Rasa Lila will focus on worldwide customers. This means our products are available online with free worldwide shipment. You can find Rasa Lila online at Rasa Lila as well as through selected online partner-sites. We focus on international high-end departments stores and exclusive multi-brand fashion boutiques at worldwide premium locations.
Zoals altijd, bedankt voor het lezen!
Wat vind jij van deze prachtige sjaals en capes?
Blog you zoen,
Claudia XOXO
augustus 31, 2018 at 2:27 pmHet is zeker waar dat je je beter voelt wanneer je mooie kleding aan hebt. Ik vind de sjaals en cape erg mooi en apart, je ziet het niet vaak en volgens mij is het heerlijk warm.
augustus 31, 2018 at 5:02 pmZe zien er wel heel luxueus uit. Eigenlijk ben ik wel benieuwd of die sjaals en capes een beetje betaalbaar zijn.
augustus 31, 2018 at 6:42 pmPrachtige sjaals en capes zeg! Heerlijk voor als het straks weer wat frisser buiten gaat worden
MC Kleuver
augustus 31, 2018 at 7:27 pmMijn blogvoorgangers vinden de sjaals en capes erg mooi. Uiteraard ben ik een man en ik vind het zonde. Sorry. Al kan ik mij goed voorstellen dat het een mooi staaltje kleding is.
september 1, 2018 at 10:36 amYou had me at alpaca! Wat een mooi merk met mooie items, en ik ben ook dol op alpaca wol, de producten waar dat in verwerkt is zijn zo onwijs zacht! Mijn moeder is ook van plan om de wol van onze eigen alpaca’s te gaan spinnen en was ik maar zo creatief om er zelf van die mooie creaties van te maken <3
Claudia Struijck
september 2, 2018 at 2:45 pmOh hebben jullie je eigen alpaca’s? wat ontzettend leuk zeg. De wol van deze diertjes zijn idd fluweelzacht!! X
september 1, 2018 at 11:01 pmZelf draag ik dit soort dingen niet zo gauw, maar het ziet er zeer luxe uit!
september 3, 2018 at 10:28 amMooi mooi mooi en nog eens mooi. Ik draag graag sjaals.
september 3, 2018 at 5:53 pmMooie items! Ik kende Rasa Lila nog niet. Wat mij betreft is het al wel weer het weer om sjaals te dragen.
september 8, 2018 at 11:45 pmIk vind ze mooi en zou ze zo zelf dragen! Geeft kleur en warmte, perfecte combi!
september 9, 2018 at 7:48 pmDeze zijn echt heel mooi! Ik ben helemaal weg van de prints en de kleuren.